Thursday, April 19, 2012

April FiberBytes

So far this has been an amazingly busy month and due to a long for me illness this winter I am very behind in my quilting. I rarely get sick but, I managed to pick up some kind of bug that knocked me for a loop. It took almost two week to get rid of the durn bug and another few weeks to recoop back to normal.
As you can imagine, I am very busy now trying to catch up and meet all the quilting deadlines I need to meet. On top of the quilting, I had a special exhibit to finish for MQX East and West and a spring quilt show to help organize and present as well as a four day retreat that just finished up. The retreat was a much needed thing as it allowed me the extra R&R I needed to be able to continue with a very busy schedule.
There are several graduation and wedding quilts to get done yet this month and then to market in May. I have wanted to go to market much of my quilting career and am finally able to do that this year. I will be attending Spring Market in KS and am really looking forward to it. I will also take some time to hop across the river to attend the MQS show in Overland Park. If you haven’t attended MQS I would highly recommend it. Besides a wonderful showing of quilts, they have many informative classes and they put on a heck of a banquet on Friday night (visit their site at
Before I leave you this month I would like to share a little about the April Issue of FiberBytes ( The featured guest this month is Jim Simons who started the upper Midwest quilt show in Milwaukee a couple years back. This year the Milwaukee show has been moved to Oconomowoc and renamed MQToday (visit their site at www.mqtoday) for information and details about the show. Jim is working hard to offer a large scale quilt show here in the Midwest for those who are unable to travel to the far away shows. If you haven’t attended, you might want to consider putting it on your list for 2012. There are many wonderful teachers that will be offering some great classes you should check out.
I will be teaching an all day workshop on Wed. and would love to have you join me. I will be teaching bread and butter ways to quilt applique quilts, hexagon quilts and borders. I will also talk about pantograph quilting and binding on the longarm. There will also be lots of hints, tips and shortcuts that I use discussed as well.
Till next time, Happy Quilting!
Lee of AniLee